Hi Dennis,
As I outlined in my news letter we may eventually support the Mac, but
for technical reasons we have no immediate plans to support the Mac at
this time.

One of the main reasons we aren't going to support the Mac is because
of the fact Mac OS really doesn't have anything that compares to
DirectX. Oh, there is SDL, but it lacks many features of DirectX which
means Mac ports of our titles would lack features of the Windows
release. As a result it is likely that Mac users would prefer to buy
the Windows release and run it on their Mac's via Bootcamp or
something similar. I don't think it is fair to the customer to pay the
same price for software for their Mac, and not get all of the same
features that Windows users have just because their platform doesn't
support that feature currently.

The other reason is market size. We recently ran a survey of the
accessible games community and discovered considerably fewer Mac users
than Windows users. From that standpoint alone the Mac simply isn't
cost effective for an accessible game developer right now. The fact is
the accessible games community is a pretty small minority market as it
is, and we do well enough to sell to a Windows market. The market
potential for Mac customers is considerably smaller and probably not
going to be worth the time and expensive of rewriting a large portion
of our games to run on that platform.

The final reason is the fact I currently don't own a Mac myself. This
means I'd have to borrow one from my in-laws to work on the project
which isn't necessarily a workable solution since my brother-in-law
uses it for work. So considering the fact I have to rewrite a certain
portion of my games, recompile them, and test them on the Mac I'd
probably have to purchase one specifically for the purpose. I'm cash
strapped at the moment so that's something I'd put off until I have
the money to invest in.

So inconclusion it isn't a mattr of wanting too or not wanting too.
I'd love to create more games for Mac and even Linux myself, but after
researching it I've discovered it is pretty complicated, APIs like SDL
have a long ways to go before they are equal to DirectX, and they are
small minority markets to begin with. I am a Linux user myself, use it
daily, but I prefer Windows for games just because the games that are
developed, that can be developed, are better. Same holds true for Mac


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