well myself I enjoy the descussion myself.
though i probably don't have a idea of any game to script its good to  know 
that for a fee of betwene the cost of a desk fan to a cost of a tower case  I 
can get a good language.
ok so here its 600 us for pro  so a grand here and about 130 for the lite 
version should I want to bother with tht aprox for what its worth if its the 
same high quality thing that made q9 its good philip has given  us access to 
this high quality engine.
gma has an engine but  although it sounds good its still vb6 being updated and 
no price.
and  bgt will be competition for genisus 3d which is good.
Audio game maker was a piece of crap but then without that piece of crap I 
wander how much people would care about getting one of those tools
true enspiredcode released in beta an adventure game engine but I never saw 
anything made with it.
so we have come a long way.
This may even be a way we could get at sighted games, all that would be needed 
would be updated languages in the script for graphics, etc.
and it probably would work.
Its probably not as easy as that but if we can have something already designed 
or at least compattible with some things then hammm that could potentually work.
in theory anyway.

At 09:31 p.m. 26/03/2010, you wrote:
>Dear gamers,
>Raul and I have noticed there is a lot of discussion of weather or not
>BGT is on topic or not. Since this seams to be a hot topic of
>discussion let me clear some things up so we are all clear on a few
>things ok?
>First, BGT is on topic for this list. It is a tool specifically
>designed for creating and designing accessible games, a specialized
>product, which is definitely game related, and is in keeping with this
>lists purpose to talk about games that are accessible through accident
>or by design.  This includes tools like BGT, the Audio Game Maker,
>Tads, Inform, and any other specialized tools designed to create
>accessible games.
>As some of you might recall when the Audio Game Maker was made public
>this list was just as active with questions, suggestions, and help for
>that tool. In the past people have posted questions on how to create
>new lone Wolf missions. In both cases those were specific questions on
>how to create new games or expand an existing game. BGT is no
>different, but perhaps a bit more complicated since all of the
>concepts are very new to most of you.
>Second, contrary to some opinions expressed on the list BGT is not a
>programming language. It is a game engine with a highly flexable
>scripting language, AngelScript, that is used to expand the engine and
>create new games. I know the technical difference here might not mean
>anything to some of you, but there is a difference.
>Let's assume someone comes on the list wanting to learn Visual Basic
>.NET and wants to know how to create a Notepad program. This is
>obviously off topic because Visual Basic .NET is an all purpose
>programming language, and a Notepad program doesn't have anything to
>do with games. If someone comes on the list asking questions about BGT
>that's a different story. For one thing BGT is a specialized game
>creation tool, designed specifically for games, and therefore isn't
>necessarily an all purpose language to begin with. As a result most of
>the messages I have read is discussion on how to create a coin toss
>program, guess the number game, or Bryan's Berzerk style game. All of
>these are game related projects and therefore are in my personal
>opinion on topic.
>Finally, while I do understand some user's misgivings about the heavy
>traffic regarding BGT this kind of increase in traffic is to be
>expected. There are ways to wait it out such as changing your account
>to no mail status until it blows over and keep track of list traffic
>via our web site. Another option is to go digest that way you can get
>one or two large e-mails containing todays list traffic without your
>inbox being filled up. You can also unsubscribe for a month or so and
>come back and by then things should have returned more or less back to
>normal. Let's not ruin it for everyone else by complaining about it.
>Before I go I have one last thing to say. Let's close all the topics
>where people are asking if BGT is on topic or not, and stop arguing
>over who is a winer or not, etc. That does no one any good, and just
>further increases list traffic for no good reason.
>Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
>If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
>You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
>please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

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You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
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