I' just installed Debian myself and so a .deb package would be appreciated.
Best and thanks,

On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Petr,
You are probably right about that. I've noticed since Ubuntu started
producing an accessible Linux distribution out of the box quite a lot
of the VI Linux users started using Ubuntu. Then, when Vinix came out
several more went that route because Vinux offers a few extras Ubuntu
doesn't such as Speakup precompiled and ready to go.  There are
perhaps two or three I know that run Debian itself, but most of the
Debian users went Ubuntu or Vinux last I heard. As a result there is
probably a high percentage that would like a *.deb package for Ubuntu
10.04 and Vinux 3.0. I know of one guy running Suse, and perhaps three
or four running Fedora Linux, but those seam to be the minority now


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