Hi Tom
On 28 november at 12:48 a.m. you wrote:
"For example, a lot of the concepts and terminology in programming such
as variables, integers, floats, arrays, etc are taken right out of
your high school Algebra textbook. Sheesh, I learned about variables,
arrays, floating point numbers, etc all by the ninth grade." 
You made a very interesting point.
I never knew before that a lot of  programming concepts comes from the grade
9 algebra. I also did algebra in grade 9 but we were never taught variables,
integers, floats, and  arrays.
 The only algebra we did was called formulas.
For example, our formulas in the math class would look something like this:
5[6 times 8]
This formula means  that the sum inside the bracket is calculated and then
the answer is multiplied with the figure outside the bracket.

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