Hi Bryan,

Oh, I like the U.K. version of Eloquence as well. I like to leave it
set on Justin because I think he sounds better than Reed.

I also agree I can put up with almost any SAPI voice for menus and
things like that, but not for cutscenes and game commentary. One of
the things that bothers me about the wrestling game I'm working on is

Right now any time you perform a move SAPI acts as a ring side
commintator. Ok, it works, but I can't get into it. I'd prefer a human
to actually call out the moves rather than SAPI.


On 1/23/12, BRYAN PETERSON <bpeterson2...@cableone.net> wrote:
> Interestingly enough I prefer the UK English version of the Elloquence
> synthesizer. I don't know, I  just could never stand the American one.
> But as far as synthes in games go I'm pretty set in my ways. Sapi for
> status info is fine, but never, and I mean never, should synthes be
> used for actual characters unless, and that being the key word, they
> happen to be robot or computer characters. To be qite frank tat's
> probably the biggest reason I can never manage to maintain my interest
> in the Sarah game.

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