Hi Ben.

Forbidden planet isn't in london. It's a chain of shops devoted to rp, science fiction and various other things. There's one I've seen in nottingham, one in newcastle, and even one in skegness, also forbidden planet is only one example of such a shop sinse there are various ones around, ---- my brother goes to one called travelling man in Nottingham run by a local firm where he plays his ccg card games, though they also do rp.

As to uni, as I said, most university societies are fairly relaxed as long as your vaguely the right age, or will know people if not.

As I said, I went and played D&D when I was 18 with the local uni society even though I wasn't at uni myself.

I find it hard to believe that there is absolutely nobody! local, unless you live in a tiny little village somewhere, but unfortunately the only way to actually find groups who do tabletop rp is usually ask someone within the interest sinse it's still something of an underground hobby, which is why I suggest finding an rp related shop such as forbidden planet or asking the uni rp society as a good place to start.

as for in person conversing, wellI'm not sure about that one, though it's quite possible that when my thesis is done I'll be going to far more anime and sf conventions and the like, indeed there's a really nice regular Dr. who convention near to where I live which i went to a couple of years ago but would love to get back to if I could, they had Colin baker, terry molloy (who plays davros), and before he died nicholas courtney (I've got a photo standing with him, which is quite amazing considdering he was in Dr. who for 40 years, and that he died about three months later), so there is a possibility there, but it'll all depend upon what I'm doing.

Beware the Grue!


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