Hi Dark.

Well, it certainly sounds like you've played a lot of titles. I thoroughly enjoyed the Unkulian Underworld series, in fact they were probably the one reason if i could pinpoint anything as the cause that made me fail my GCSE exams LOL, I was too busy playing and rubbing my brow with concentration over the puzzles. If you haven't already, from Adventions you should try Unkulia Zero, probably the best of the series as well as the legend lives! probably the toughest game written for TADS, until return to ditch day that is. I personally prefer murder mystery, science fiction themed games and occasionally a little fantasy. I never liked Zork 1, it was just a glorified treasure hunt and I've seen too many of those already, however the enchanter series which are set in the Zork universe are quite good, especially Sorcerer and Spellbreaker. Other Infocom games I enjoy include Planetfall and Stationfall, the lurking horror, Infidel and Journey, the latter being a menu driven story book which not many people have played, at least not many I know of personally. If you prefer the story element of IF, Journey is definitely one to try though the interface is a little tricky to get around but well worth the work to master.

Anyway, a trip down memory lane for me, I did complete spider and web and a few of the other titles you mentioned, though it was some time ago.

All the best, Ibrahim.

-----Original Message----- From: dark
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 11:08 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] If games was: Fast paced games

Hi Ibrahim.

I can't recall all the text adventures I got stuck on, but some included
heroes, the tad's game see of night (both of which had lovely settings), the
first unculian undventure title (again, lovely writing but annoying
puzzles), Also alien abduction, and spider and web and shade by andrew
plotkin. There are probably others too, not to mention Zork 1, Hitchhikers'
guide and Arthur, the infocom titles I spend most time with, (again, lovely
writing especially in hhg, but just bloody frustrating!)..

I even got stuck on glowgrass, which an introductory artical I read on if
said was supposed to be an easy intro game, ----- as I said, me and parza
puzzles don't mix!

As to some of my favourites, well those tend to be the ones I completed :d.

Pretty much anything by Paul Obrian, but especially his game lash and his
earth and sky series, Dreamhold by andrew plotkin (an intro to if game but
one with lovely writing), and the game Babel who's author I temporarily

Probably my single favourite if title ever! and what for me is pretty much
the pinacle as far as parza based if is concerned is the game worlds apart
by Suzanne Briton. An absolutely wonderfull game where all the puzzles and
challenges came entirely from understanding the very alien world and taking
in information, which is just the sort of challenge I appreciate, and none
were illogical! Quite ironically this was also a game that got severely
hammered in the spag review, so obviously myself and the if community
disagree :D.

to be perfectly honest these days as Tom said I'd prefer something with a
little more of a strict challenge and writing, not to mention good mechanics
and stats where those help the game, indeed the if I have played most
recently have been rpgs written in if languages such as wumpus 2000 and

Beware the grue!


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