> I think you have to use an Action object instead of a raw command in the
> Command builder. When building the Action object, the second parameter is
> the alternative text to output.
> It might look like the following:
> env.Command(target, source, Action("foo $TARGET $SOURCES", "FOOING
> The []s are probably not necessary, but that's just my opinion.
If it's not too much work, it would be really nice to do this.

> It might be better to support a -v or --verbose option on the scons command
> line if we can. An environment variable is a little obscure, and it's likely
> you'll just want verbose output temporarily, not as a long term environment
> setting. I don't really remember whether adding command line options to the
> scons command line is feasible and/or advisable, so I'll defer to other
> people's opinions, but it seems a little more natural to me.
You can add a command line variable. I think that a verbose variable
would be nice though -v is already taken (we can repurpose it).

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