On 5/6/12 1:20 PM, Béria Lima wrote:
Good idea Sarah. Prove everyone in the world we don't even have enough woman in the 9% of editors who can take a picture of some "trivial" thing. Prove the world the only way to have picture of girls in commons is hiring models and photographers to take them.

I have NO idea why no one thought of this before!

Beria, I'd appreciate a more respectful tone. As always, with me, and anyone else on this list. The snarkiness of your comment isn't one to make me want to participate or share my brainstorms or ideas on this list.

Just because you disagree with my idea, doesn't mean others might find value in it, and it might improve content. Not every woman wants to edit Wikipedia and I have met women who are photographers who have expressed interest in uploading photographs and also women who would rather participate as volunteers to be photographed. Using the term model does not necessarily mean traditional "model body types" of women. Anyone can be a model if you put them in front of a camera.

Again, please be a bit more polite in your responses on this list. I know I'm not the only person who would appreciate that. Thank you,


/Béria Lima/

/Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a construir esse sonho. <http://wikimedia.pt/Donativos>/

On 6 May 2012 14:13, Sarah Stierch <sarah.stie...@gmail.com <mailto:sarah.stie...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 5/6/12 1:07 PM, Carol Moore DC wrote:
    On 5/2/2012 9:39 PM, Andreas Kolbe wrote:

    Don't miss

    Where are women laughing as they chop up bloody sausage...

    To me I guess I see hostility and dominance in the kind of shots
    people have been complaining about.  I don't think women should
    respond en masse with the same, but if no one responds at all, I
    feel it is my duty to mention bloody sausages.

    Of course, women have responded here, but I guess not enough of a
    ping in the fabric of world wide male dominance for me to keep my
    bloody sausages to my self...

    Hmmm... maybe I should write some of my favorite artists with

    Or get rich and commission a bunch of stuff I like... whatever
    the them...

    (Handsome male dogs of various breeds on their backs smiling and
    saying "Scratch my belly mommy.")

    There was an idea brainstormed a little while back with me and a
    few other folks about seeking funding to have a "Wiki Loves Women"
    photography event that wanted photographers to take photographs of
    women - and this wouldn't be some broad crowdsourced thing like
    WLM, we would work with photographers, various "models" etc and
    make this legit with releases, etc - doing whatever we needed them
    to be better represented doing, so to say. So, wearing certain
    articles of clothing (i.e. "go go boots"), certain make up looks
    or uses, hairstyles, - places that are often poorly represented
    regarding "women's stuff" (i.e. men don't get manicures that
    often, sorry) even as extreme as sex acts, I also wanted to just
    have women doing "things" like mowing the lawn and planting
    flowers or pan searing salmon or whatever things need videos to
    represent them (and no, these women wouldn't be nude :P). The
    latter was inspired by Jenny Geigel Mikulay's work at Alverno
    College where she had her students (it's a women's college) make
    films of things like playing drums, the art museum building
    kinetic architecture time-lapsed, etc. All of these videos have
    been uploaded to Commons.

    Someday I'll do it =) I can see it being a project that would be a
    perfect fit for Kickstarter.


-- *Sarah Stierch*
    */Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow/*
    >>Mind the gap! Support Wikipedia women's outreach: donate today

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