Thomas wrote:
> Leo Simons wrote:
>>On 18-07-2005 15:33, "Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>If I don't get around this cocoon problems I have I'll start a new
>>>presentation application (not dyngump) with J2EE and Struts.
>>I'll chuck in 2 cents: I don't want "J2EE". Servlets+Struts+other stuff like
>>velocity is potentially nice, but please no EJB or JNDI or any of the other
>>J2EE stack. Most of it is crap :-)
> If i go with struts it will be very simple Servelts+struts thats about
> it I hope to be able not use any other framwork for the database
> comunication but if I get a lot of protest there from you or other that
> works with Gump, I'll use a framwork for that to (Hybernate).
>>>like to hear what you have to say, if I missunderstud something with
>>>cocoon or if I'm just giving up to easy. But I want to get som results
>>>now and I feel that cocoon is one step to big to take at the moment to
>>>get where I whant.
>>Ok. I'd appreciate if you could go into some more detail (and a little more
>>concretely) on what you tried to do with dynagump that you were unable to
>>get to, what you tried to get there, and how you figured out what to try,
>>etc. That'll be very useful feedback to the cocoon people, and it means you
>>won't have "wasted" your time :-)
> The thing that I got stuck on with cocoon is when it gets abit more
> complicated, create generators and more custome stuff. I have no
> problems when it comes to communicating with the database take out rows,
> update, add, the basic stuff. The problems comes when I want to do
> something with the data that I get.
> No problems on presenting the data writing xslt's and generating pages
> from xml files. That part I think works porfectly and is the reason why
> I whan't to lear more about cocoon. But when you whant to costumize the
> webapp abit more like generators I'm lost. The level of knoledge you
> need to proceed with that is huge and the tutorials often miss parts
> like filenames of files that are created and wich files he is working on
> (editing). Small things that is so important when you are new to things
> like a compleat framework.
> Something concrete is for example you get a value from the database and
> you whant to multiply it with another value that you also get from the db.
> To me it sounds like I have missed something essential.
> If I have missed somthing that makes me go Haha I might go with cocoon
> but as it is now cocoon is taking to much time to learn for me to make
> some progres before the summer of code is over.

Good points and I don't have the energy/time to fill that teaching gap,
I'm afraid.

I don't mind if you go Struts+Hibernate, but at least, keep the html
templates that of the current dynagump.


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