On 2010-11-07, Sander Temme wrote:

> So M3 picks up M2_HOME and infers the classworlds location from it?

If it is set, yes.

If M2_HOME is not set, it will infer it from the location of the wrapper
script - assuming the regulear layout of a maven distribution
(i.e. M2_HOME is one directory up closer to the root than the directory
holding thw wrapper script).

> So will it run with classworlds 1.1 (which came with Maven 2) instead
> of the plexus-classworlds-2.2.3.jar that comes with it?

No.  That's why Gump requires M3_HOME and sets M2_HOME to the value
provided as M3_HOME when running mvn 3.x.

We could have do it differently inside Gump - not providing M2_HOME at
all to the forked process when running mvn and have the wrapper scripts
figure out the rest.  This might provide better results with system
installed versions of mvn.

Still we'd need a way to provide the absolute path of the wrapper
scripts since both (mvn 2.x and 3.x) have the same name.

> The midnight run will tell.

Looks fine from here.  You'll need git in order to get far with Ant
based builds since you really want JUnit to be there.

If you ever get the whole of testbase working, you'll likely see build
module update errors with NUnit.  So far I haven't invested time into
figuring out the problem - bazaar merge talks about uncommitted changes
which I don't understand since Gump doesn't touch the checked out trees.


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