Is it just me, or did someone remove log4php and log4net from the stylesheet and forget to update the site? I get lots of diffs after updating the site and then generating it...

I have made a bunch of further typo corrections to the graduation guide that I'll commit once I get the site stylesheet issue figured out.

One substantive comment: Under the recommendation vote, I don't think a Mentor should start the vote in the community. It should be one of the PPMC members.


On May 12, 2007, at 10:28 AM, Niall Pemberton wrote:

On 5/12/07, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/10/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/9/07, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > now has a
> > reasonable quantity of content. the organisation could probably be > > improved, some necessary content has probably been missed and more > > proof reading would be good. so, this is a good time to post the draft
> > for review.
> >
> > if you can find time, please take a look and post feedback to this
> > thread, open a JIRA or just patch the document.
> I fixed a couple of links/anchors:


> The only comment I have for the "On Community" part of the Notes
> section is emphasising more that community at the ASF exists on
> mailing lists. Probably something we take for granted - but may not be > obvious for newcomers. F2F conversations, IRC, private mail may all be > well and good, but they are non-existent as far as ASF community goes,
> unless things are taken back to the list. IMO it would be good to
> start this section emphasising this and the fact that the mailing list
> archive is the tangible evidence on the health of a community.

i've rewritten and expanded that section for the second draft

take a look and see what you think

Looks really good to me - the only comment I would make is the use of
the word "serendipity" which isn't a particularly common and may be
confusing, esp. for non-native English speakers.


- robert

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Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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