
Thanks for looking into the release!

> -1 (binding) based on the RAT check: my cursory run of RAT
> (http://creadur.apache.org/rat/apache-rat/index.html) uncovered
> 61 Unknown Licenses.
> Here's what I would like to suggest for cutting the new RC:
>    1. make it easy to run the RAT check by integrating this somehow
>     into your build system and/or provide a script that does that

Is RAT a requirement, and do all other projects use it? The release
guideline on [1] doesn't mention RAT at all....

>  2. review all of the files that trigger RAT. If you need to exclude some
>    of the files because of the format that doesn't allow comments
>    make sure that the exclusion file is checked into your repo and has
>    comments explaining the decisions for exclusion.

I'll take a look into RAT and look at the files missing the info.

> And here's a couple more nits that make it easier to review:
>     3. when creating an RC make it clear that this is an RC by putting
>     the artifacts available under the URL that looks something like this:
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/celix/celix-0.0.1-incubating-RCX
>     the file themselves should have the final names (without the RC
> suffix).
>     That way a promotion of the RC to the release is a simple matter of
>     renaming the top level subdir.

Renaming a top level dir means a new release to me. We specifically decided
to not do a RC. For us it is a release, as the release thread on the Celix
list also points out, we all support this.

I am all in favor of discussing these items on the Celix list (or maybe een
here if more guides/rules are needed). At this moment I don't see this as a
blocking issue for the release.

>     4. when sending an email please include the following information:
>         * a link to the JIRA with release notes (e.g.
> http://s.apache.org/pY)
>         * the tag in the SCM that is being voted on
>         * url with PGP keys

The TAG and link to keys were forgotten, but send later in the same thread.
As for a link to a JIRA release notes, we don't use JIRA actively yet. For
the future I would prefer to do so.

> And finally, if you don't have a How To Release document for you project
> it may be a good idea to create one. Here's a nice example of what it
> should look like:
>     https://cwiki.apache.org/WHIRR/how-to-release.html

Good point the (nearby) future. I'll look into this later on.

Overall, as a new committer and the release manager of Celix, I find it
really difficult to make a release that suits all personal opinions of the
IPMC. The release guideline feels/is incomplete (eg RAT is missing). How am
I suposed to make a release which is correct the first time? Don't get me
wrong, I do really appreciate all the feedback...

[1]: http://incubator.apache.org/guides/releasemanagement.html

Met vriendelijke groet,

Alexander Broekhuis

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