
Sorry but it’s -1 (binding) as it contains compiled code (a .jar) [1], an ASF 
release must consist of source code only. The other issue are minor IMO and can 
be fixed in a future release.

I checked:
- incubating in name
- signature and hashed correct
- LICENSE is fine
- NOTICE has some minor issue (see below)
- All source files have have headers
- An unexpected binary file in source release [1]
- Can compile from source

Re NOTICE did you project come to the ASF in 2016? Who did it come from, and if 
the headers were changed to ASF ones then they should be mentioned in NOTICE.

Should this file have an ASF header? [2] Where did it originally come from? 
Answer to this question may mean that some changes to LICENSE and HEADER are 

Re the maven wrapper jar several project have run into this issue and have 
managed to resolve it without including the jar. You should be able to find 
them with a search of this list. BTW A warning that rat didn’t pick this up and 
it seem it doesn’t follow directories with a dot in front of them.

While i can compile it looks like the build assumes the code is checked out of 
GitHub and you’re not compiling the source release as I get a lot of these:
failure occured while calling class 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not compute the year of the last git commit 
for file xxxxx


1. ./.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar
2. .mvn/wrapper/MavenWrapperDownloader.java

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