on 10/15/01 11:15 AM, "Paul Ilechko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter and Jon, thanks for the feedback, sorry I didn't get a chance to respond
> sooner. 
> A few comments: 
> ASPizer is currently a production quality product, and in fact is being used
> on a live website in the UK. It was developed as a product by THBS, with the
> intention that we would sell it. However, due to various economic factors such
> as the decline in the ASP market and the recent difficulties in obtaining
> venture capital, we have decided that at this time it is not feasible for is
> to continue in that direction.

We aren't a dumping ground for .bomb projects.

> We do think that ASPizer is an interesting product that has a strong synergy
> with some existing Apache technologies. We intend to continue to provide
> development support, and we have no problem to committing 3 developers in an
> ongoing basis. As far as getting an Apache "champion", I'm not sure how we go
> about that - I was hoping someone would be interested enough to follow up
> based on the proposal that we submitted.


> As far as the user community is concerned, we believe that there are two
> primary groups - 
> 1. ASP related companies, including ISVs developing for the ASP market,
> Aggregators who assemble packages of applications, and Hosting providers,
> 2. Corporate users that run internal IT in an ASP-like way, or who have
> external clients accessing their systems (we have had preliminary discussions
> with a couple of the latter).
> We would be able to support early-adopter clients during the initial period of
> the product being made available, we are willing to commit to at least two
> years. 

I'm confused. How can you commit two years when you can't get funding for
your business?

> ASPizer may have some overlap with Turbine, but it is quite a different
> product. My understanding is that Turbine is basically a tool to help
> developers build web applications, whereas ASPizer is more of a platform
> extension. With ASPizer it is possible to configure an application to run in
> an ASP model, including security, billing and licensing, without actually
> changing the application at all (so in fact you can even "ASPize" a non-J2EE
> application), although using the APIs provides a much more granular set of
> facilities. We are also currently working on making ASPizer available as a set
> of web services. 

The use of the term 'security' is very broad in your example.

BTW, I wrote an ASPizer as well...it is called Noodle. LOL!



> We will be happy to provide code and documentation for anyone who is
> interested in digging deeper.

Good luck.



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