Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
>> I agree that it would be nice if the GUMP results were put somewhere
>> publicly accessible (they may be but I have no idea where). However, the
>> second step is to automatically fetch the correct dependent jars (and
>> possibly in a validated working state, proved by unit testing of each
>> project).
> You don't want to use the results of Gump for JJAR.  Gump isn't bulding
> releases - it's building CVS-tree-du-jour...  There is no reason to believe
> anything built by Gump works.

I believe that the operative words were "validated working state, proved by
unit testing of each project".

To pick a random example... the is produced
by anakia .  Which version of anakia?  The one built by gump.  How am I
confident that it is going to work?  For starters, there is the unit tests
of velocity itself.  Then there are other projects which use velocity that
build and unit test successfully.

- Sam Ruby

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