> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 09:05, Berin Loritsch wrote:
> > I would definitely like to see a Maven like system across 
> the projects 
> > in Jakarta--even if the main site is not altered much. It would be 
> > good to give the freedom to the sub-projects to refine their color 
> > choices, but the general layout and site organization should be the 
> > same.
> We had this discussion the other day and I tend to be 
> somewhat forceful in my idea that the organization and 
> presentation of the information is crucial in helping someone 
> to easily understand a project and that it's important that 
> all projects look identical insofar as the develop 
> documentation is concerned. Colors maybe, but I would like if 
> that once someone had become familiar with the layout of a 
> maven project then learning another project becomes a matter 
> of custom.

The only thing I would want to customize are:

1) Project Logo
2) Project color-scheme

That's it.  I really don't think that is too much to ask.  The
layout should remain constant without a doubt.

> I'm not trying to stifle anyone's creative urges, I just feel 
> that in the matter of project comprehension that it is 
> pragmatic to have everything look the same. Some don't agree 
> with me but what I'm really trying to avoid is the infinite 
> configuration quagmire where everyone adds things to make 
> things look the way they like and thus you loose all cross 
> project cohesion.

Everything should definitely feel the same.  However, color is
a definite clue that you have changed contexts.  By drilling
down a Project's heirarchy, it helps to have a visual clue that
you are not at the same level you used to be.

Color customization is not just a cosmetic tool, it does help
to understand a project's hierarchy.  Logo changes can be missed,
but a different background or header color is hard to ignore.

As a side note, it would be cool if we could include the Jakarta
and project logos as a header in the printed documentation, but
that is a stylesheet change.

> > I just wish I new about Maven a lot earlier--it delivers on 
> a lot of 
> > promises, and in my book that's golden.
> It's been in the works for a long time but really it's only 
> been in the last 3-4 weeks that others have worked on it and 
> it's taken off primarily because of the interest people have 
> in making their develop lives easier. There is definitely an 
> interest there because people would rather focus on their 
> apps then fart around trying to get a build system to work 
> and have it produce useful information.


So what did you think about the two line navigation approach for
Jakarta Site?

> > I see the line with the sub-projects able to be two lines tall. The 
> > first line would be the parent level, and the second line 
> would be the 
> > current line.  That way we can have something like this at the root 
> > level:
> > 
> >           Alexandria Avalon BCEL ...
> > 
> > And at the sub-project level, we would be able to have 
> something like 
> > this:
> > 
> > Jakarta|  Theory Framework LogKit *Excalibur* Cornerstone 
> Phoenix Apps
> >           CLI Collections Concurrent ....
> > 
> > That way we can easily navigate the site, and drill down quickly to 
> > the actual information we need.
> >       
> > ----
> > 
> > --
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> -- 
> jvz.
> Jason van Zyl

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