Hey, I'm a programmer myself ;)

as a reassurance:

the changes this discussion talks about will happen in jakarta-site2,
and will consist of backwards-compatible changes to site.xsl and
site.vsl. Projects that depend on jakarta-site2 will change to the
new look and feel automatically. For projects that don't, all I ask
is that they, after evalutation of the changes, update their local
copies of those files. And it really is just a request.
So this will _not_ change the way a project website is maintained.

Somewhat further down the road is converting your project to use
maven. This is apparantly not that difficult. The advantage maven
will bring you is that you have to worry _less_ about updating the
website, as it does a lot of boring stuff for you.
This is of course a project's own decision!

as background:

Our company is venturing out from its microsoft-only platform and
directly into open source, because a big new client requires it.
Some of my collegues want to move from ASP to PHP. I wan't to move
to all the wonderful stuff at jakarta. Problem is, my boss makes the
decision. To convince him, step 1 is a project site which he likes.

> I agree with Ted, it'd be nice to have a more polished and brand conscious
> site, but at then end of the day we're just a bunch of geeks writing stuff
> for other geeks, and in general I think we each want to concentrate our
> efforts on the geek stuff.

except that the website is not only for geeks. It's also for people
that make decisions and have money.

> Leo Simons wrote:
> > anyone feel like throwing stones at me yet? :)
> Only to remind you that the programmers/developers are the
> decision-makers here. So if you want them to buy into something, you
> need to coddle them the same way you would your boss or any other suit.

And I always thought being reasonable, giving good arguments and doing
the job yourself if you want it done was how we work =)

> The day Jakarta starts to say, it has to be this-way or
> else, is the day a lot of us would choose or-else.

I think many people will agree that how the website looks and works
is something where it would be very benificial to all the projects
if there was a consensus. So I think Jakarta _should_ say:
"*here's* why we recommend we all do it *this way*, and *here's* how to do
(ie see: http://jakarta.apache.org/site/jakarta-site2.html)

> When the "original designers" are not available, whoever is available
> needs to do whatever needs to be done. The only ones we are sure are
> going to be here are the programmers, so the programmers ~have~ to be
> able to do everything.

I very much agree. I was under the impression though that at this point,
there are some designers available somewhere. It would be good if they
would explain which things would be good to change so we can put that
into the system.

> I'm very much in favor of what you are trying to do, but what we want to
> hear is that this is something that should just work out of the box for
> everyone, but can still be easily adjusted if necessary.

=) One thing the proposed changes will do is that they will make it easier
to adjust the stylesheet.

In short, I understand these concerns, they are of course addressed, and
we can go a little further than that once maven stabilises and make
everything even better (how's that for marketing? :P)


- Leo

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