We've used Tapestry at work. My colleague is very impressed with it and
has had good vibes from contributing back to Howard. [I'm more
conservative and despite liking the ideas in general, wanted us to back
off to a simpler system until we could have time to understand Tapestry
better. Sorry Howard :)].

It fits Jakarta well, as far as I can tell it does tackle things from a
different angle [not a must, but a nice for a proposal], (and it uses
commons-lang so I've gotta be a believer *grin*).

Anyway, it sounds like a great idea to me. +1.


On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Ship, Howard wrote:

> Background
> Tapestry, currently housed at the SourceForge
> (http://tapestry.sf.net), is component-based web application
> framework.  Tapestry falls generally into the pull-MVC model of
> development.

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