On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 17:26:50 -0700
"Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >(What about Struts?)
> At the moment, Struts uses hand-crafted XSLT stylesheets that preceeded 
> the existence of Forrest (and Maven), but we are considering some 
> alternatives based on both Forrest's and Maven's site generation 
> facilities.  Some proof-of-concept prototypes (not necessarily polished) 
> of the Struts main page, using three different Forrest skins, are at:
> Krysalis style:           http://www.twdata.org/dakine/site/
> Avalon/Tigris style:      http://www.twdata.org/dakine/site1/
> Forrest/XML Apache style: http://www.twdata.org/dakine/site2/

Looks very nice. :)  Kool.

> Personally, I would prefer either the Krysalis or Avalon/Tigris styles 
> to the default Forrest/XML Apache style, but that's just me.  Various 
> Struts developers have various opinions, as well as concerns about the 
> processing time implications of using Forrest.


> We also use XSLT transformations for other reasons as well (i.e.
> generating tag library descriptors and reference documentation), and
> already enjoy nice things like print-friendly styles without the
> navigation menu -- to say nothing of XHTML-compatible generated
> output -- so I don't feel any great sense of urgency to make a
> migration.  I'm personally not going to have time to even think about
> it in the very near term, due to day-job commitments.  But, it's
> certainly an option for us to share a common look and feel.

In my mind, there might be four options:

1. Create "jakarta-skin" and put it (them) into jakarta-site2
2. Create "jakarta-skin" and put it (them) into xml-forrest. We have
to wait the next release of Forrest (0.5.2 or 0.6), though
3. Update "avalon-tigris" skin / Patch to it (them)
We have to wait the next release of Forrest (0.5.2 or 0.6), though
4. Create "jakarta-XX-skin"s and put it (them) into respective
modules. We can make use of it (them) immediately

Currently, Jakarta-POI adopts #4 style.
Now, I am thinking of the Forrest-ization of Jakarta-Tapestry.
Therefore, I am thinking of the #1/#2/#3 options.

Any thoughts?

-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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