Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Could you elaborate a bit on what the physical / visual-to-users
differences to the current commons, well, Jakarta sub-project will be
? Will this be a new Jakarta sub-project (and the other commons
components will remain in the current commons one) ?

I've been trying to dodge this question. Why? Because I want to encourage other groupings (especially from commons) to self-select. If I make a proposal, then it will be an imposition.

My hope is that in a few months we will have a mentality of working on *Jakarta* components, not working on commons (or any other) components. To achieve this will require other groupings.

Note: I suspect that some Jakarta sub-projects, perhaps POI, Turbine and Velocity, may have real issues with this whole grouping philosophy. My answer is to *not* force communities that are truly content with the status quo to change.

Each grouping will have:
- a bland name (Jakarta Xxx Components)
- an identity (how and why does the group exist)
- sufficient size (to be active not inactive)
- mailing lists (one ML for all Jakarta doesn't work)

What I will say is that its too early to worry about website issues. For now, all we need to know is that there will be a link somewhere to each component, and probably a single page describing each group. Pages such as release procedures etc are Jakarta-scoped and discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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