--- Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Matt Benson wrote:
> > Henri, out of sheer curiosity, where is it
> documented
> > that a commons committer doesn't have a binding
> vote?
> > The only thing I could find in the charter [1] was
> a
> > link to the Jakarta guidelines [2], which in turn
> > links to a "Decision Making" page [3], which
> states
> > that "the only binding votes are those cast by a
> > Committer" (the next sentence is pretty
> interesting as
> > well, though unrelated).
> Our Decision Making page is dated in that respect,
> probably worth deleting 
> and making sure that the foundation pages have
> something with the
> core important parts of it in them.

Since your link was Apache-specific, and my link was
Jakarta-specific, my assumption would be that Jakarta
trumps the ASF in its grant of a vote to committers
rather than PMC only.  Ant does this as well; actually
some changes are a vote of committers and some are PMC
only, the specifics being outlined in the project
bylaws.  The alternative interpretation is that no
project has the right to grant a binding vote beyond
the PMC, thereby overruling the ASF guidelines you
linked.  But this interpretation would indicate a
large upheaval:  a quick look shows that the ASF
"flagship" (HTTP server) grants committers a vote. 
Gump takes an Ant-like approach (not surprising since
Gump's originators had worked on Ant).  The XML TLP
also says committers have a vote.  IMHO it still looks
as though Jakarta committers do have a binding vote
unless the privilege granted at
http://jakarta.apache.org/site/decisions.html is
explicitly rescinded.


> Hen
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