+1 -- Yea, I know, it's not a vote, but it's binding anyway ;)

I like this idea. IMHO, private@ probably should only be used to discuss things that truly should not be public. As I just mentioned on an entirely different list with a somewhat related topic, one thing we might do, in cases where there might be some embarrassing remarks would be to send a "I'm about to nominate Henri Yandell as a committer in 3 days, speak now or shut up later"....ymmv ;)

James Mitchell

On Aug 8, 2006, at 4:53 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:

Being on a PMC means two actionable things. Firstly, you get a binding vote; and secondly, you can subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - a list which should be pretty quiet (mostly it's just vote results now - would be nice to move those to this list).

The purpose of the binding vote is that that allows you to perform oversight on behalf of the foundation - it's not me making a release, it's the foundation.

That's all there is. It's nothing special, just that we can yay or nay something. There's not even any paperwork beyond the board ack email. Given that - why do we have committers and pmc members? Why do we have people in our community who have been accepted as committers and are happily churning code, but are not allowed a binding vote? It's definitely not because we have an enormously low bar of entry to being a committer.

My view is that we shouldn't keep wasting our time on such a separation. There is no danger at all (given our size) to having a new committer immediately join the PMC, and there are notable benefits in that we don't have to keep remembering to add people to the pmc (which we really suck at doing) and we'll have a more open environment (which we all like right?). Also we won't have second class citizens who have to yet again sit and wait while their elders remember to nominate them as an elder.

What do people think to the following:

1) Every existing committer not on the pmc receives an email asking if they would like to join the pmc. Once that email is sent they are marked in a file as having had the email sent and we can wash our hands until a reply comes in.

2) Every new committer automatically gets added to the pmc.


I bring it up because the concept has cropped up elsewhere at the ASF and given our large non-pmc to pmc ratio I think we'll have a lot of strong views on the subject.


(Yeah, I recognize that the above is flamebait if we have any strong opinions out there. Hopefully it'll stay constructive :) )

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