On Thu, 4 Mar 2010, Michael McCandless wrote:

We are voting on this:

* Merging the dev lists into a single list.

* Merging committers.

* When any change is committed (to a module that "belongs to" Solr or
  to Lucene), all tests must pass

* Release both at once (but the specific logistics is still up for

* Modularlize the sources: pull things out of Lucene's core (break
  out query parser, move all core queries & analyzers under their
  contrib counterparts), pull things out of Solr's core (analyzers,

These things would not change:

* Besides modularizing (above), the source code would remain factored
  into separate dirs/modules the way it is now.

* Issue tracking remains separate (SOLR-XXX and LUCENE-XXX issues)

* User's lists remain separate.

* Web sites remain separate.

* Release artifacts/jars remain separate

+1 with the following amendment:
  - A Solr release implies a Lucene release but the other way around.


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