On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 10:46:23 +0900 Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| On Wednesday 17 August 2005 08:38, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| > GLEP 31 is withdrawn until Gentoo gets some means of removing commit
| > access from people who say "nyah nyah I don't feel like following
| > the rules and so I'll just carry on breaking stuff as I see fit".
| > As it stands I've been told by various people that they have no
| > interest in ensuring that their commits are UTF-8 safe (even if
| > there's an automated check that warns them when they're about to
| > break something), and I don't consider it fair to force lots of
| > repoman warnings upon other developers who *do* care about that
| > kind of thing who just happen to be the next person to touch a
| > package that got broken.
| Repoman could check the commit message for being valid UTF-8 and
| simply not allow the commit if it isn't. :)

Well, I have a tool already that checks that. But it doesn't help when
we have developers who don't use repoman, who forcibly override repoman
fatal errors and who just randomly remove anything they think is
causing errors...

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Shell tools, Fluxbox, Cron)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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