1.11.2005, 13:48:06, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> | The messages should be displayed when I'm about to upgrade an ebuild
> | which has an upgrade note associated with the new version. Sending
> | mail via cron might be a nice optional feature for those who want to
> | use it.

> Not really a good idea, a) because news items aren't tied directly to
> ebuilds, and b) because people like advance warning of "when you
> upgrade Apache, all hell will break loose!" rather than having it
> sprung on them suddenly when they're trying to do a quick update.
> Getting the news item in advance allows for planning.

What do you mean "they aren't tied to ebuilds"? I don't really understand what
this feature should do then, it seems. Once again, what's wrong with reusing
emerge --changelog mechanism for displaying this kind of information?

I'm not particularly happy with idea of emerge as a newsreader really, IMHO we
should display relevant, vital upgrading information *when relevant*, not to
inform users about upgrades that they are not interested in in the least.
Example: Don't bother me with mysql-4.1 upgrade instructions, I don't plan to
upgrade to that version and did put it into package.mask. Another example:
Don't bother me with upgrade instructions for ~arch ebuilds, I'm running
stable. I want to read them when I decide to upgrade, put them into
package.keywords and run emerge -uav someebuild/world or when it goes stable.

And please, keep the thing simple so that I can be done in reasonable amount of
time and does not follow the destiny of einfo/ewarn logging (3 years and

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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