On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 14:18 +0200, Luca Barbato wrote:
> Thomas Anderson wrote:
> > As Fabian said it really isn't a matter of "We like XML better than LaTeX!"
> > It's not those people's prerogative.
> Problems like having homogeneous documentation aren't that small.
> > The people who wrote PMS should be able to make the decision
> > for themselves(as they will be maintaining it) as to what language to
> > use.
> The main point being using latex prevents people from modify it.

Untrue... latex is documented, and lots of people feel more comfortable
with it than with XML (for example me). It's just a matter of taste and
thus a decision of the people actually doing the work.
> > If they use LaTeX, more power to them, it's what enables them to do
> > their job in the easiest way.
> Depends on what the job is.
> > You don't *have* to read PMS in LaTeX,
> > which by the way makes my eyes bleed somewhat, you can read it in a very
> > well done PDF.
> The pdf renders poorly on xpdf due the fonts latex has, usually I'd 
> rather have plain text anyway.

Install app-text/evince. It looks quite nice there.

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