Thomas Anderson wrote:
I personally have had no problems reading and/or understanding PMS, and
I've had to reference a fair bit of it. I'd like to hear exactly who has
problems with what sections and how to fix that.
As Fabian said it really isn't a matter of "We like XML better than LaTeX!" 
It's not those people's
perogative. The people who wrote PMS should be able to make the decision
for themselves(as they will be maintaining it) as to what language to
use. If they use LaTeX, more power to them, it's what enables them to do
their job in the easiest way. You don't *have* to read PMS in LaTeX,
which by the way makes my eyes bleed somewhat, you can read it in a very
well done PDF.

For those that don't know me, I'm a member of the Documentation Team. I also have some background with XSLT (not as huge as neysx, our leader, has, but still I'm not really a begginer in this area).

That said, I completely agree with the choice of latex in this particular case. If there was a fixed request on GudeXML, this document would not have been at all written yet.


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