On 15:35 Mon 01 Dec     , Joe Peterson wrote:
> However, what I see as perhaps a missing "piece" is more conceptual: the
> important connection between the valuable info in the emerge logs (and their
> somewhat transient default nature) and what a user looks for when he/she has a
> problem with a package.  Yes, users will realize this as they use Gentoo (and
> will start paying more attention to logs as a result), so I don't think it's a
> huge problem, but what this particular user said to me made me think that
> there is, perhaps, an opportunity to improve the situation.

Based on the rarity of me seeing this reported as a problem, I'm 
inclined to think it says more about this user than about our system. I 
don't think it's our responsibility to put documentation everywhere 
someone might conceivably look for information.


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux
Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com

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