Andrew D Kirch wrote:
I reject the premise that war should always be prevented.  I am however
concerned that criticism where criticism is due is flame baiting.

The original post did not contain any constructive criticism of paludis at all. It simply stated that under no circumstances should anybody ever adopt anything that was done first in paludis. That is simply flamebait.

If you think there is a good reason not to have an emerge --info <package> feature by all means state it. However, let's discuss issues based on their merits -- preferably their technical merits. I fully acknowledge that other non-technical aspects of decisions also matter, but they need to be talked about constructively.

Ironically the relationship between the paludis and portage camps is probably the best I've seen it in the last year or two. Maybe I just don't get on IRC often enough. :)

I think that taking these steps is a good move. Package maintainers should be focusing on the ebuild's environment and not the particular program being used to invoke the ebuild. If it becomes clear that the problem is that a package manager isn't complying with the PMS then by all means point fingers at the guilty parties.

Gentoo is about choice...

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