On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:22:12PM +0100, Jeroen Roovers wrote:
>      Hi folks,
> --info' is asked for in a bug report, post *that*. There are many
> examples of what should be included out here, so if you can't or won't
> use emerge, then you'll have to copy the information manually.
> Remarking that you "don't use emerge" is not a valid reason not to post
> it - post both `(emerge|paludis) --info' if you must - having both
> there will help greatly and is necessary for the time being[1].

Folks, I'd like to direct your attention to bug #269067. In this case,
had the bugwrangler(yngwin) asked for paludis --info the bug could have
been RESO INVALID without it getting to me. I wouldn't have wasted ~30
minutes deciding that the user was being crazy.

So yes, paludis --info can come in handy, and I found it useful in this

Thomas Anderson
Gentoo Developer
Areas of responsibility:
AMD64, Secretary to the Gentoo Council

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