On 31/10/2012 23:18, Peter Stuge wrote:
> Um, so how come an overlay isn't the obvious method for testing,
> before putting things in the main tree? What other method is *more*
> convenient for testing?


> Diego, I would like to ask you to step off Arfrever.

And I would like that developers didn't try to workaround Devrel's and
QA's shared choices.

> Try for a second to appreciate the time he has contributed and from
> the sound of it continues to contribute, even if he does not use the
> methods that you would have made him use if you were paying his
> salary.

Honestly, from my point of view (and I doubt it's only mine given that
he got quite a list of people scorned) he contributed mostly headaches.

> Especially snapping back at him with some unrelated bull personal
> remark when he points out what seems to me to be a very legitimate
> shortcoming of your darling baby is not especially excellent.

It's not a shortcoming as much as an intentional design. So thank you
very, much stop second guessing me.

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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