
this eclass is an alternative to systemd.eclass, and maintains
full compatibility with it; however, it expands it so that it can query
pkgconfig for the directory paths. It returns the same default paths as
systemd.eclass if there is an error with pkgconfig.

I am sending this out for review so we can commit it to the tree
when we commit our alternate systemd ebuild in a few days. This will be
set up so that users can choose which systemd package they want to
install, and it will default to the current systemd package.


the systemd-next team

# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/systemd.eclass,v 1.22 2013/03/18 
06:29:03 mgorny Exp $

# @ECLASS: systemd-next.eclass
# @BLURB: helper functions to install systemd units
# This eclass provides a set of functions to install unit files for
# systemd within ebuilds. It maintains compatibility with
# systemd.eclass by default, but it also allows querying pkgconfig.
# inherit autotools-utils systemd-next
# src_configure() {
#       local myeconfargs=(
#               --enable-foo
#               --disable-bar
#       )
#       systemd_to_myeconfargs
#       autotools-utils_src_configure
# }

inherit toolchain-funcs

case ${EAPI:-0} in
        0|1|2|3|4|5) ;;
        *) die "${ECLASS}.eclass API in EAPI ${EAPI} not yet established."


# @FUNCTION: _systemd_get_unitdir
# Get unprefixed unitdir.
_systemd_get_unitdir() {
        if $($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --exists systemd); then
                echo "$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --variable=systemdsystemunitdir 
                echo /usr/lib/systemd/system

# @FUNCTION: systemd_get_unitdir
# Output the path for the systemd unit directory (not including ${D}).
# This function always succeeds, even if systemd is not installed.
systemd_get_unitdir() {
        has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && ! use prefix && EPREFIX=
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        echo "${EPREFIX}$(_systemd_get_unitdir)"

# @FUNCTION: _systemd_get_userunitdir
# Get unprefixed userunitdir.
_systemd_get_userunitdir() {
        if $($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --exists systemd); then
                echo "$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --variable=systemduserunitdir 
                echo /usr/lib/systemd/user

# @FUNCTION: systemd_get_userunitdir
# Output the path for the systemd user unit directory (not including
# ${D}). This function always succeeds, even if systemd is not
# installed.
systemd_get_userunitdir() {
        has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && ! use prefix && EPREFIX=
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        echo "${EPREFIX}$(_systemd_get_userunitdir)"

# @FUNCTION: _systemd_get_utildir
# Get unprefixed utildir.
_systemd_get_utildir() {
        if $($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --exists systemd); then
                echo "$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --variable=systemdutildir systemd)"
                echo /usr/lib/systemd

# @FUNCTION: systemd_get_utildir
# Output the path for the systemd utility directory (not including
# ${D}). This function always succeeds, even if systemd is not
# installed.
systemd_get_utildir() {
        has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && ! use prefix && EPREFIX=
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        echo "${EPREFIX}$(_systemd_get_utildir)"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_dounit
# @USAGE: unit1 [...]
# Install systemd unit(s). Uses doins, thus it is fatal in EAPI 4
# and non-fatal in earlier EAPIs.
systemd_dounit() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        local INSDESTTREE
        insinto "$(_systemd_get_unitdir)"
        doins "${@}"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_newunit
# @USAGE: oldname newname
# Install systemd unit with a new name. Uses newins, thus it is fatal
# in EAPI 4 and non-fatal in earlier EAPIs.
systemd_newunit() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        local INSDESTTREE
        insinto "$(_systemd_get_unitdir)"
        newins "${@}"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_dotmpfilesd
# @USAGE: tmpfilesd1 [...]
# Install systemd tmpfiles.d files. Uses doins, thus it is fatal
# in EAPI 4 and non-fatal in earlier EAPIs.
systemd_dotmpfilesd() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        for f; do
                [[ ${f} == *.conf ]] \
                        || die 'tmpfiles.d files need to have .conf suffix.'

        local INSDESTTREE
        insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/
        doins "${@}"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_newtmpfilesd
# @USAGE: oldname newname.conf
# Install systemd tmpfiles.d file under a new name. Uses newins, thus it
# is fatal in EAPI 4 and non-fatal in earlier EAPIs.
systemd_newtmpfilesd() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        [[ ${2} == *.conf ]] \
                || die 'tmpfiles.d files need to have .conf suffix.'

        local INSDESTTREE
        insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/
        newins "${@}"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_enable_service
# @USAGE: target service
# Enable service in desired target, e.g. install a symlink for it.
# Uses dosym, thus it is fatal in EAPI 4 and non-fatal in earlier
# EAPIs.
systemd_enable_service() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        [[ ${#} -eq 2 ]] || die "Synopsis: systemd_enable_service target 

        local target=${1}
        local service=${2}
        local ud=$(_systemd_get_unitdir)
        local destname=$(basename "${service}")

        dodir "${ud}"/"${target}".wants && \
        dosym ../"${service}" "${ud}"/"${target}".wants/"${destname}"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_with_unitdir
# @USAGE: [configure option]
# Output '--with-systemdsystemunitdir' as expected by systemd-aware configure
# scripts. This function always succeeds. Its output may be quoted in order
# to preserve whitespace in paths. If you are using autotools-utils,
# systemd_to_myeconfargs() is preferred over this function.
# If upstream uses an invalid configure option to handle installing systemd
# units (e.g. `--with-systemdunitdir'), you can pass the 'suffix' as an optional
# argument to this function (`$(systemd_with_unitdir systemdunitdir)'). Please
# remember to report a bug upstream as well.
systemd_with_unitdir() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
        local optname=${1:-systemdsystemunitdir}

        echo --with-${optname}="$(systemd_get_unitdir)"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_with_utildir
# Output '--with-systemdsystemutildir' as used by some packages to install
# systemd helpers. This function always succeeds. Its output may be quoted
# in order to preserve whitespace in paths.
systemd_with_utildir() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        echo --with-systemdutildir="$(systemd_get_utildir)"

# @FUNCTION: systemd_to_myeconfargs
# Add '--with-systemdsystemunitdir' as expected by systemd-aware configure
# scripts to the myeconfargs variable used by autotools-utils eclass. Handles
# quoting automatically.
systemd_to_myeconfargs() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"


# @FUNCTION: systemd_update_catalog
# Update the journald catalog. This needs to be called after installing
# or removing catalog files.
# If systemd is not installed, no operation will be done. The catalog
# will be (re)built once systemd is installed.
# See:
systemd_update_catalog() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

        # Make sure to work on the correct system.

        local journalctl
        if [[ -x ${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/journalctl ]]; then
        elif [[ -x ${EPREFIX}/bin/journalctl ]]; then
        if [[ -x ${journalctl} ]]; then
                ebegin "Updating systemd journal catalogs"
                journalctl --update-catalog
                eend $?
                debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: journalctl not found."

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