On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 09:58 +0100, Jan Matejka wrote:
> What's the point of having nonempty XDG_ variables in ebuilds?

One big reason is FEATURES=test. Test suites for freedesktop-compliant
programs that actually run the program are likely to fail if XDG_*
directories are resolved as something unwriteable.

Also, many gnome-related packages have a build system that won't work if
XDG_* variables are wrong. Python packages that use sphinx to generate
API docs at build time will hit a sandbox violation if XDG_CONFIG_HOME
is unwriteable, see https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=499068
I would be astonished if some packages for kde, xfce, and other desktop
environments are not affected as well.

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