On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:37 AM, Alexandre Rostovtsev
<tetrom...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> [Replying again since my mailer messed up my original message.]
> On Tue, 2014-01-28 at 12:03 -0500, Mike Gilbert wrote:
>> Option 3: Unset the variables
>> This should cause applications to default to locations under ${HOME}.
>> This could be done in global scope (unless I am overlooking something
>> in PMS), and so it would not require consumers to invoke anything
>> explicitly.
> Only those applications that properly comply with standards :)
> For instance, glib did not start respecting ${HOME} until version 2.36
> if I remember right; before that, unset XDG_* variables would cause
> g_get_user_cache_dir() etc. to fall back to something under /root/ no
> matter where ${HOME} pointed. Which is the main reason why
> gnome2_environment_reset() was created.

Ah, thank you for that insight.

Ok, so I'm thinking maybe it would be best to combine option 1 and
option 3. We would unset the variables in global scope, and then have
a function that ebuilds or other eclasses could call to basically do
exactly what gnome2_reset_environment does and reset them to some path
under $T.

I'll work on a prototype for that.

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