On 03/06/14 15:08, Tom Wijsman wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Jun 2014 07:35:42 -0400
> Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> This probably could have used a news item, as the change impacts both
>> stable and ~arch users.
> Are we going to write a news item every time systemd acquires a new
> mandatory relationship with a reverse dependency?

IMHO, not every singular dependency change (even blocker) needs one.
For those failing to read `eix upower` or `emerge -C upower` or masking
systemd, or number of other ways the blocker can be solved, the answer
is in Gentoo news letter, forums, first hits in Google, /topic of #gentoo at
Freenode, MLs, pretty much everywhere.

But news item has been planned all along for when UPower 0.99.0 goes
stable, propably
GNOME 3.12 and some 0.99.0 consumers, when there are enough steps to
accumulate as news worthy.

- Samuli

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