On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 6:12 AM, Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Why does the official documentation point me at gkeys-gen, which doesn't
> work

The documentation you linked is a project page for the Gentoo-Keys
project. It represents one possible way to accomplish the goal of
generating a gpg key. It is not the only possible way to get the job

The reference on acceptable keys is GLEP 63, which makes no mention of
gkeys. I would expect you to be able to operate gpg sufficiently well
to generate a key meeting the GLEP specification. If not, you can
always ask for help in a support channel.

> On a wiki that's horribly broken

Your definition of "broken" is rather skewed. You are using
non-standard browser addons which block CSS/javascript. It works
perfectly well without such addons.

Shouting loudly "this is broken" does not make it so.

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