>>>>> On Thu, 23 Jun 2016, Dan Douglas wrote:

>> That's the wrong way around. You should keep the EAPI version check
>> but drop the check for the bash version.

> I don't think that will work. You don't want this to vary by EAPI.

Much less you want it to vary within a single EAPI, depending on
package versions installed by the user.

PMS defines the bash version for each EAPI for a reason. The spec even
says that the shell's compatibility level should be set to the exact
version specified if possible, so the intent is clear. Namely, ebuilds
and eclasses are expected to stick to the features available in that
bash version. Especially, they should not try to outsmart the spec by
sniffing for the version of the shell themselves.

> That aside, these variables are documented as being for
> configuration and not part of the API for inheriting code.

That sounds like the cleanest solution would be a git-r4 eclass
supporting only EAPI 6 (or later).


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