On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 04:01:53PM -0500, james wrote:
> Can you cross post to gentoo-dev? I'm not subscribed to that list.
> Should not a wider community, particularly devs be part of the discussion?
Please DO subscribe.

The long response I just sent is significantly off-topic for the -dev
list. It may be almost on-topic for the -project list, but certainly not

The council agenda this month includes getting more off-topic stuff out
of -project, so keeping the lists to their intended function should be

> At least a quick link for folk, who are interested can read what is
> discussed via the list? I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in
> our goals and management infrastructures.

For a slightly older piece, also see the talk I gave about the
Foundation, at this year's Gentoo miniconference:

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Dev, Infra Lead, Foundation Trustee & Treasurer
E-Mail   : robb...@gentoo.org
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