On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 11:56 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

> Alec Warner posted on Tue, 10 Oct 2017 15:28:41 -0400 as excerpted:
> >> Please consider switching from your current 13.0 profile to the
> >> corresponding 17.0 profile soon after GCC 6.4.0 has been stabilized on
> >> your architecture. The 13.0 profiles will be deprecated and removed in
> >> the near future.
> >>
> >>
> > Can you commit to a deadline on this?
> >
> > Its OK to be wrong (e.g. say 1 month but remove in 3); but "near future"
> > is not actionable by readers.
> Will the 13.0 profiles be removed all together, or per-arch?
> If they're removed all at the same time, then the time-limiting factor
> will certainly be how long it takes the last arch to stabilize gcc-6.4+,
> something that's likely not entirely predictable but that might take some
> time, given gentoo's known issues with straggling archs.

> If the existing profiles will be deprecated and removed per-arch, with
> some fixed time after gcc-6.4+ stabilizes on that arch as a goal, then
> the time for most popular and best maintained archs may be predicted now,
> but the time will differ for each one, so the best that could be done
> would be either a time range or a list of the known ones, with presently
> unknowns being added to the list in further revisions of the news item.

So my point isn't to be pedantic (that is why I said its OK to be

"In the near future" to me could mean:

1) tomorrow
2) next week
3) next month
4) next quarter

If we wrote:

"The 13.0 profiles will be removed in six weeks, upgrade before then." Its
clear to the reader that
they should schedule this effort before the six weeks is up. It matters
less if the six weeks is true; the email
sets expectations regardless of the truth.

We could rewrite it further to avoid the pedantry and say:

"Please upgrade away from the 13.0 profiles in the next six weeks."

This also sets expectations for readers, but avoids any specific guarantee
around when Gentoo developers actually delete the 13.0 profiles.
The reality of when the work is done matters significantly less than the
expectation setting (as you imply there will likely be unknowable delays in
deprecation and so forth, but users shouldn't take that as an opportunity
to delay upgrades.)

> The other alternative might be to word it something like (1 year can be 6
> months or whatever instead, if that works better):
> "13.0 profiles are set to be removed one year after the last arch
> stabilizes gcc-6.4+, with the goal for the gcc stabilization being the
> end of 2017, meaning 13.0 profile removal is planned for the end of 2018
> if all archs meet their gcc-6.4+ stabilization goal."
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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