I didn't know that this elitest attitude had been around for so many years in the Linux community. Hmm...interesting.

I have only recently plunged into Linux and that is one of the first impressions I have been left with when discussing Linux quirks with those more experienced than me.

Well, I think this is not a linux problem only, I've seen this often in the java world, around the J2EE platform (there are real holy wars between J2EE and .NET) and around some popular open source projects. I think this is negative for the platform/project/whatever that gets this feeling around it.

One other thing if I might comment on it. The term "idiot" when referring to users. I know it's in quotations and all that but all of us are "idiots" in

I started using the term "idiot" as a joke, sorry if anyone fetl insulted, was not my intention. Anyway, I consider myself in this group, as I have little experience with linux. I managed to put this system to work thanks mainly to the excellent documentation in the web, so I don't feel superior to anyone else. And I admit it, my mixer still doesn't work well, I have no image from my 3Com web cam, and today I tried to record sound from my micro and I couldn't, so I am possibly the greatest idiot in the mail list :o) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! :oD

About the main point of the thread, all of this started because we were talking about corporate use, and convincing IT managers that Gentoo is a good option for using it in a corporate environment. The graphical installer issue, unexperienced users and all of that came out when talking about branding Gentoo. So let's sum up...

I think Gentoo could be a good option for corporate use, using some of the suggestions that have been mentioned in this thread for improving stability and administration of corporate networks. The question is: do Gentoo developers want Gentoo to be adopted by the masses? Do Gentoo developers want Gentoo in the corporate environment? I see a possible money income from this scenarios, I don't have the knowledge to make a Gentoo based distribution for corporate environments, but I think that someone with such a knowledge could make some good money from such a distribution.

   Regards and peace !!!

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