On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 08:21:30 -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> try: "It all boils down to the fact that *all* MUA's are broken big time
> in terms of useability." and you'll be closer to the truth.  I cannot 
> send you a direct piece of e-mail without manually entering your 
> address. 

You shouldn't make statements about all MUAs until you have tried all
MUAs. In Sylpheed-claws I can send you a mail directly by selecting Reply
to sender from the menu. I can also set up a default reply address for a
mailing lists folder, so my replies default to the list regardless of the
list settings.

Using Reply to all is horrible. Not only does it mean you send two copies
to this list, it also means the person you are replying to gets an extra
copy in his/her personal mailbox. direct replies make sense on certain
types of list, but not discussion lists like this. that's why all these
arguments about which setup is intrinsically wrong are a waste of time. It
all depends on the [purpose of the list, and this one is a help and
discussion forums, where the interests of the majority are usually best
served by the replies going to the list.

Neil Bothwick

To most people solutions mean finding the answers. But to chemists

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