Lie Ryan wrote:
On 09/19/10 19:04, Dale wrote:
Yep.  I use Seamonkey which is browser and email all in one.  It doesn't
use much when I first start it up.  The amount it accumulates as time
goes on depends on the websites I go to.  If I go to sites that have a
lot of flash, pictures and gifs, then it starts to using a lot more
memory.  If I go to say the gentoo forums which is mostly text, it
doesn't change much.
When I'm doing emerge or other things, I usually switches to Epiphany,
dillo, or links; depending on how unbearable things becomes.

If you set the "nice" value in make.conf then it shouldn't affect anything else you are doing. I set mine to this:

PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND="ionice -c 3 -p \${PID}"

That works very well. Note, I think you have to have something compiled in the kernel for the IONICE part to work.

Just like the example Alan gave, it's not the program itself that is
using the memory, it's what you are doing with it that uses memory.  I
have found that the weather radar site and youtube are the biggest
memory hogs.
I'm opening mostly standard HTML pages (gmail, static pages, etc) and
the memory usage is still quite bad.

Do they have ads? Those ads can be any number of things. Even if they are just gifs, they still add up. Keep in mind, most browsers cache things until they are closed. If you close your program and the memory returns to normal when open it again, then that could be the reason. Also, Linux doesn't manage memory the same way windoze does. The OS itself caches as much as it can.

This is my Seamonkey with email also open and I have only visited a
couple forums sites:

  7493 dale      20   0  253m 133m  28m S  0.7  6.6   1:59.65 seamonkey-bin
Incidentally, I've found that browsing using Thunderbrowse extension in
Thunderbird is much more memory friendly than using Firefox itself
(Thunderbird still uses around 15-20% memory, compared to 20-30% that
Firefox uses). If only Thunderbrowse's interface is not so buggy...

I use Seamonkey for my email so I don't even have Thunderbird installed here.


:-)  :-)

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