On Wednesday 22 June 2011 18:02:39 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> But all this was mild compared to what I did yesterday. You know that
> notice on the console when you get sudo wrong? It says the incident
> "will be reported"
> OK. But to whom? On my shell boxes it gets reported to me. And
> yesterday this is what it said:
> <host> : Jun 21 11:55:25 : <user> : 1 incorrect password attempt ;
> TTY=pts/194 ; PWD=/some/path ; USER=root ; COMMAND=init 6
> 500 concurrent sessions on that box is routine, it's a major gateway
> server. That poor user has not recovered yet.

You mean, he (or she) will eventually recover?

Am curious though, why the attempt for a reboot?


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