On 2012-01-07 02:17, Walter Dnes wrote:

>   I think I've found one item so far that requires udev.  My laptop's
> graphics chip needs a binary blob from radeon-ucode.  That binary blob,
> in turn, requires the presence of /usr/lib/libudev.so.0 which is a
> symlink to /usr/lib/libudev.so.0.9.3 (which is also required).  I can
> emerge udev
> move or copy the 2 files over to /root
> unmerge udev
> move or copy the 2 files from /root to /usr/lib/
> and it still works. Note that /usr/lib/ is a symlink to /usr/lib64 on my
> 64-bit gentoo.

Hm... I also use a radeon (w/ KMS) and needs this binary blob but I
compile that into the kernel*.

*Device Drivers --->
        Generic Driver Options --->
                [*]  Include in-kernel firmware blobs in kernel binary

If you don't have it compiled in I can see why you would need udev...

Disclaimer: I assume it's not needed in my case - haven't tested though
but fail to see any technical reason for calling libudev, in this case.

Also, this work around... I'm not so sure it's a good solution to
require a pseudo need for udev which is placed on / before mounting /usr
but then again we (can) have a static /dev before {u,m}dev takes over...

Best regards

Peter K

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