On Jan 9, 2012 3:24 PM, "pk" <pete...@coolmail.se> wrote:
> On 2012-01-09 00:48, Walter Dnes wrote:
> Hm... if you didn't compile it in you would have needed an initrd;
> didn't think of that... :-(
> > * with only one binary blob. it "just works"
> >
> > * multiple blobs should not be included in the kernel, otherwise it gets
> >   confused.  If multiple blobs are included, there's a fallback
> >   mechanism that uses udev to figure out exactly which graphics chip the
> >   laptop has, and which of the built-in blobs to use.
> Well, if udev has the database that connects the blob to the chip then
> yes it does sounds likely but still a bit strange... I also have only
> one blob (I dislike "waste" so I only put the correct blob in there). :-)
> >   So my laptop is now entirely udev-free.
> Congratulations! :-D
> PS. I will dive into this and test mdev soon-ish (when I can find the
> Best regards
> Peter K

Is it possible to load the firmware blob after booting, from the shell?


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