On 2013-12-02 5:24 PM, William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
You are looking far too deep ....

just rsync -avP to /newusr

But this would not copy the hardlinks... and there are a bunch on /usr, so...

reboot to livecd
rsync again with --delete to update ... takes a only few seconds this
time - minimal downtime:)
mv /usr /oldusr
mv /newusr /usr

The --numeric-ids is a good idea but I've made my systems consistent
with the standard gentoo id's so that's no longer a problem.

Ok, so, last questions...

When mounting /, do I need to specify the fstype and mount option showing in fstab, ie:

mount -t ext3 -o noatime /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo/

Then when mounting the old /usr, since it is reiserfs:

mount -t reiserfs -o noatime /dev/vg/usr /mnt/gentoo/oldusr

Last - are there any concerns about the fact that /usr is currently on a reiserfs file system, moving to an ext3 filesystem?

Current command I'll be using:

rsync -avHP --numeric-ids /mnt/gentoo/oldusr/ /mnt/gentoo/usr/

Thanks again,


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