On 22/05/2014 16:32, Zoltán Kócsi wrote:
> On Thu, 22 May 2014 15:42:09 +0200
> "Andreas K. Huettel" <dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> if you run into issues like this, first try something like 
>> emerge -uDNav world
>> (--update --deep --newuse --ask --verbose; note the "deep")
>> (afaik this is the recommended way to update your system anyway)
>> If this doesnt help, you can try giving portage more time to
>> backtrack, add e.g. the following option (warning this may take a
>> while):
>> --backtrack=1000
> Thanks, will do that.
> Is there a comprehensive manual about portage and the related tools?
> I mean one which explains how the whole thing works, what are atoms and
> sets and slots and masks; how dependencies work and how the magic USE
> keywords get translated to actual configure parameters, so basically
> the whole logic behind it? Then, with all that basic knowledge how
> emerge et al work on that info and what they actually do?
> As a developer probably it's all obvious if not trivial to you, but to
> the uninitiated it looks a bit of black magic. I went to the Wiki and
> went through the handbook, but I couldn't find anything which explained
> the actual concepts and implementation of the whole portage system,
> just practical snippets of actual tool usage rather than the
> foundations. Any pointers to the relevant literature would be most
> appreciated.

Portage man pages are fairly complete (maybe not so much for very new
features). The trick is to find the man pages :-)

equery files portage | grep /man/

These are the man pages I rate most useful (there are plenty more)


Alan McKinnon

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