Hello, Ian.

On Sun, Apr 08, 2018 at 01:04:49 -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

[ .... ]

> I have tried contributing enhancements (the same ones) to both projects,
> and in the end I had to give up in the case of mutt and I maintained
> them as private patches for a while.  Then I learned about neomutt
> (seriously, I didn't know about it!) and they were accepted right away,
> after a style pass.

> mutt places very large weight on backward compatibility (and when a
> troglodyte like me says this, it really means something!)  I don't mean
> it as a value judgment, just pointing out there is a difference.

And yet - after I am finished reading an email, I am used to returning
to the message index by pressing 'i'.  This no longer works in (Gentoo's
version of) mutt 1.9.4.  Instead one must press 'x'.  It's driving me

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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