Il 28/03/24 07:30, J. Roeleveld ha scritto:
Unison creates a local index of all files it syncronised. So when you move a
file around on one end, Unison will notice that because the file at the new
location has the same hash as the file at the old location. As a result, it
does not transmit the file anew to the remote host, but instead copies it
locally on the remote host.

Since Unison uses ssh underneath, you can use ssh’s transparent compression
to speed up the transfer.
Unison sounds interesting. How does it handle conflicts (eg, file is changed on
both sides?)

I use Unison GUI on one of the two machines (on the other peer it's just a program invoked from the ssh). When the analysis is complete, the GUI shows what it would do to sync the machines, indicating the conflicts and giving you the chance to choose what to do.

I believe it can be used from the command line or maybe even in batch mode instead of GUI but I never did it that way.


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